The ballad of Ketsia and Christine (and Andrea)
Andrea and Ketsia were ensemble actresses for this show in the last city - San Antonio? Houston? Somewhere in TX. Ketsia wanted to leave the show and go on to something else so she gave her 2 weeks notice and the producers hired Christine to replace her.
(As an aside, an ensemble acting role is known as a "track." The dressers and stagehands also each have a track which (like an ensemble actor) is the list of things you do each show, in a specific order, etc. If you fill in for someone, you are "doing their track." )
In the meantime, something happens to Andrea and she goes on medical leave. Ketsia offers to delay leaving and fill in for Andrea until she gets back. So, Ketsia stays with the ensemble cast but in Andrea's track and Christine comes on as planned.
In short, Andrea's out, Ketsia is in Andrea's track and Christine has been hired to take Ketsia's track.
Ok? Stay with me.
The Wardrobe Head knows that Andrea will be coming back in a month or so and will need all of her costumes then, but somehow she also has to get new costumes for Christine AND provide costumes for Ketsia to wear in the month that she's covering for Andrea. What they have is the old costumes that Ketsia used to wear - none of which fit Christine because she's about 6 inches taller- the costumes that Andrea wears (most of which fit Ketsia with some alterations) and the new costumes being made for Christine that aren't finished yet.
Basically 2 sets of costumes for 3 girls.
So most of the new costumes for Christine come in and she premieres in Tucson, Ketsia wears some of her old stuff and borrows some stuff from Andrea and Andrea is elsewhere recovering from her medical emergency and in no need of a lion puppet. All is well until last weekend.
Confused yet? Just hang in there.
Last weekend we discover that Andrea is back in town and supposed to perform. This should mean that Ketsia is out. However, Ketsia's contract was accidentally written to overlap Andrea's so Ketsia has one more show left to perform and Christine is also here and under contract. This means we have 3 girls and 2 roles.
So the producers decide that since Christine is an understudy for one of the principals, she should shadow that principal for the evening in case she ever has to step into that role. Ketsia will step into Christine's track (which used to be Ketsia's) and Andrea will go on in her old track(which Ketsia was covering).
Christine - out (for all intents and purposes)
Ketsia - covering for Christine
Andrea - back in
However, Ketsia and Andrea have been sharing costumes.
I'll cut the madness down with shorthand:
Christine's lioness costume - belongs to her, the detachable cuffs belong to Andrea
Ketsia's bird hat - used to be Andrea's (Andrea wears her own and Ketsia then wears Christine's)
Ketsia's bird puppets - have been passed on to Christine, Ketsia's been using Andrea's birds, so Andrea takes her birds back, Christine is out and Ketsia uses Christine's birds (which used to be Ketsia's)
Black robes - Ketsia is wearing Andrea's (which was altered to fit Ketsia and now no longer fits Andrea) and Christine's is too big for anyone but her
Ok, I'll stop.
We get an hour to prep our stations before each show, make sure we have the right costumes, etc. It takes every minute of that hour to pull two full sets of costumes together for this one show.
The crowning moment? (because you know there is one):
Andsrea comes up to the Wardrobe Head and demands to know why her black robe has someone else's name in it and why she doesn't have her own costumes.
The name in her robe? Jindra.
Jindra is currently on vacation and will be back in one week to find her robe gone and in it's place, the altered robe that used to be Andrea's, then was Ketsia's and now is hers.
And the finale? We have to reverse this whole process tonight since Christine is back in and Ketsia is gone.
Seriously, how great is my life?