Thursday, February 28, 2008


At a high school in Ogedensburg, NY. What made it amusing and kept us from homicide is that we knew it would be bad going in. The stage was tiny, there were no dressing rooms and we were going to have crews of high school students. So... might as well pretend to be getting into a locker!And the orchestra pit was nonexistent. Our set filled the entire proscenium - and this venue was back in January when we hadn't played several more houses just like this one so it was still a novel experience.
Welcome to the library/wig and wardrobe work area
And dressing room for all the boys The actors amused themselves with ironic story hour reading eachother books about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

A high school! We put a national tour of a broadway show into a high school auditorium.

I think I have very little to say about that... Except that it's another place I'll never play again if I have anything to say about it!

Happily our Production Manager was in town yesterday and we should all have solid news of our next tour jobs by the middle of March. There is a small core group of us that would love to stay together but it's looking less and less likely. They just don't want to keep a good crew together. They'd rather split them up so several shows get some good people. It's really too bad. There are several people on this crew that have made this an amazing year and I will miss them horribly. Fortunately, touring is a small world so there's always hope that we'll be on other shows together in the future. But when I know something for sure about my future, you'll know about it.

I do know it will have a better schedule than this one which should lead to more regular posting!

until then...


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