Monday, December 17, 2007

Really REALLY big trees...

Such the understatement...Can you see the tiny car coming over the horizon in the picture above? The tiny dot on the road. yeah? That's the scale of mammoth tree we are talking about in the Redwood forest.

All of us were walking around saying "we've always heard it was big but this is GIGANTIC..."

The scale of redwood to your own person is just unimaginable until you are there looking at these ginormous trees in this, huge, still, lush forest.

The small things are just as beautiful. The whole forest floor was a damp spongy pile of decomposing ferns and cast off needles. Felt like a big mattress with the smell of cool moisture and greenery.
Tiny mushrooms...

Massive trees...Brilliant shafts of sunlight...

The perfect afternoon.


Blogger Kateri Morton said...

Wow. So not gettable by photograph at all...

Monday, December 24, 2007  

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